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AWS Security Services Available

Major Document History

Date Comment Who
12/11/2019 Initial Doc Tharp

AWS CIS Foundations v1.2.0

AWS Services Used (in bold)

CategoryUse casesAWS service
Identity & access managementIdentity management for your apps Amazon Cognito
Managed Microsoft Active Directory AWS Directory Service
Manage user access and encryption keysAWS Identity & Access Management (IAM)
Simple, secure service to share AWS resources AWS Resource Access Manager
Rotate, manage and retrieve secrets AWS Secrets Manager
Cloud single-sign-on (SSO) service AWS Single Sign-On
Detective controlsUnified security and compliance center AWS Security Hub
Managed threat detection service Amazon GuardDuty
Analyze application security Amazon Inspector
Discover, classify and protect your dataAmazon Macie
Investigate potential security issuesAmazon Detective
Infrastructure protectionDDoS protection AWS WAF & Shield
Filter malicious web traffic AWS Web Application Firewall (WAF)
Central management of firewall rules (for Organizations) AWS Firewall Manager
Data protectionKey storage and management AWS Key Management Service (KMS)
Hardware based key storage for regulatory compliance AWS CloudHSM
Provision, manage, and deploy public and private SSL/TLS certificates AWS Certificate Manager
ComplianceNo cost, self-service portal for on-demand access to AWS’ compliance reports AWS Artifact
/opt/bitnami/dokuwiki/data/pages/security/awssec.txt · Last modified: 2019/12/20 16:06 by brian.tharp