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3.11 - Risk Assessment

Control Satisfaction Matrix

Standard Category Controls Satisfied 800-53r4 Controls ISO/SEC 27001 Audit Controls
NIST 800-171 Risk Assessment 3.11.1 - 3.11.3 RA-3, RA-5, RA-5(5) A.12.6.1 23.0

Major Document History

Date Comment Who
5/14/2019 Initial Doc Tharp
6/03/2019 Control Objective, Assertions, Test, Actions Tharp
6/21/2019 CO's & Assertions updated with feedback from B&V CPA's Tharp
7/30/2019 Added 23.0 Tharp
7/30/2019 Strike thru control Objectives Tharp
8/12/2019 Formatting Updates Tharp
8/29/2019 Copied Content For IS-1 SOC submission Tharp
10/6/2021 Policy's Reviewed for Audit Tharp

Purpose and Scope

The purpose of this policy is to periodically assess organizational risk.


DLZP Group shall review and manage technical vulnerabilities to internal systems that we rely on to conduct our business and the IT processing of our clients. The framework for this undertaking is outlined here: Security Assessment and Authorization - CA


DLZP Group shall review the risk to organizational assets, personnel, operational processes and methods including storage of organizational data on an annual basis. This shall include vulnerabilities from internal and external sources as well as the viability of systems and information (data) due to man made or natural events.


DLZP Group should employ vulnerability scanning tools on those systems where they control the application or infrastructure e.g. IaaS or PaaS services.


Any vulnerabilities discovered should be tracked and remediated in a timely manner.

Response Plan

23.0 Risk Assessment Plan

23.1 Purpose

To document how the System Administrator performs periodic information security risk assessments (RAs) for the purpose of determining areas of vulnerability and initiates appropriate remediation.

23.2 Scope

Risk assessments can be conducted on any entity within DLZP or any outside entity that has signed an Agreement with DLZP. RAs can be conducted on any information system, to include applications, servers, and Systems, and any process or procedure by which these systems are administered and/or maintained.

23.3 Plan

The execution, development and implementation of remediation programs is the joint responsibility of the Project Manager, System Administrator and the department responsible for the systems area being assessed. Employees are expected to cooperate fully with any RA being conducted on systems for which they are held accountable. Employees are further expected to work with the System Administrator in the development of a remediation plan.

23.4 Risk Assessment Process

Describe process to complete risk assessments on a periodic basis, key players involved and tests performed.

23.5 Enforcement

Any employee found to have violated this Plan may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

23.6 Definitions

EntityAny business unit, department, group, or third party, internal or external to DLZP, responsible for maintaining DLZP assets.
RiskThose factors that could affect confidentiality, availability, and integrity of DLZP’s key information assets and systems. The System Administrator is responsible for ensuring the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of critical information and computing assets, while minimizing the impact of security procedures and policies upon business productivity.

/opt/bitnami/dokuwiki/data/pages/corpgov/riskasses.txt · Last modified: 2021/10/06 21:46 by brian.tharp